Tuesday, September 23, 2008

La Vie En Rose

Well today i have been mired in my boredom. It was raining when i woke up this morning so i could not go for a walk. That is like literally the first thing i thought of. Normally it would be Yay no walk and go back to sleep, but my ADs have pretty much caused me insomnia so sleeping in is pretty much a no go. This new sleeping pattern is weird. I love sleeping, sleeping a lot is good. Know why? Because I can tune out of reality, tune into a dream world where I am happy and all is right. Until you wake up. Saturday afternoon and nothing to do? Sleep for 3 or 4 hours and thats the afternoon taken care of. Four less hours of sucky life to lead. My mum says that i am sleeping my life away and she is probably correct. If you had my life you would want to sleep it away.
However now my last bastion of escape, sleep, is all but non existant. I can usually only sleep for two hours or so before i wake up. Then it takes a while to go back to sleep. I dont feel sleep deprived but i kind of miss the tiredness that you get at the end of the day when you can't wait to go to sleep and sink into a nice warm bed and soft pillow. Or the refreshed feeling of waking at 9am on a saturday and feeling good. And now i no longer have sleep to retreat to when i am bored or lonely. I could be doing so many fabulous things in my sleep, now i don't have that safety. So i have taken up staring at the walls in its place. Not as much fun though because reality keeps cutting in on my daydreams.
Lord Stinkpants and I went for a drive at lunch time today, kind of like a breakout. I had just showered after doing 20 minutes of the elliptical and i had that post workout high which i wanted to hold onto. I had no real reason to go into the Terrace so i decided it would be to get petrol (whilst it is slightly cheaper today) and have one of those mint chocolate waffle cones from Maccas (thus undoing the aforementioned elliptical work). It was a grey old day but at least it stopped raining on the drive in there. As always there was not enough choc mint sauce on my waffle cone but it was nice. Lord Stinkypants approved of the crunchy waffle cone. I gave him the final end piece of the cone once I had sucked all the soft serve out. However he was standing on the back seat overhang and, in his attempt to fit the oddly shaped cone in his mouth, managed to drop it down onto the floor behind the passanger seat. He just looked at it for a long time, as if he was working out if he could fit down there. The answer was no. After practically dislocating my shoulder to reach it (eww all slobbery) he cheerful wolfed it down in one gulp. And then proceeded to look at me expectantly. He needs to learn to savour his food a bit; he gulps it down as if me finding that he still has some food left means he is going to miss out on seconds. Not that i give him seconds but he is ever hopeful. Wish i could be that hopeful.
I have an interview tomorrow for a two month temp job doing administration at some engineering/mining place. They need someone to start this Friday. Whilst i kind of admit that i am going a little stir crazy being unemployed and actually think getting out amongst people would do me some good, i do not miss the early morning shower and dress routine, the drive into town with all the impatient stupid ass drivers who are coming from the Bay and are running late. How dare i go the speedlimit, how dare i get in their way. I swear if it would not cost me money to repair my car, i would so ram right into people. People seem to think that because they are sheltered in their car, anonymous if you like and out of reach of any thrown punches, that they can get away with being rude. Well i tell them this: Look out for the depressed blonde in the red camry, I just may take you out. It will be worth it.
Anyways back on track, my interview with the recruitment agency is at 9am tomorrow. 9am!!!! Its not like i will miss sleeping in but jeez why do people have to start so early?? Bloody morning people and their insistence of getting the most out of their day. I hope us night owls eventually take over the world; i would love to see how the early birds would react to the 10pm interview time, or the 8:30pm doctors appointment.
I have the song La Vie En Rose in my head. Unfortunately its in French; i don't speak French. Its kind of awkward.


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