Sunday, September 21, 2008

And So It Begins.

This will be a great opening to anyone reading this, but my psychologist told me to start writing down my thoughts and feelings so as to get them out of my head. I can't write using pen and paper at the same speed as my brain thinks stuff so the only alternative is typing. I started in Word but the document is so uninspiring. I figured why not do it properly. Hence the creation of one of the most uninspiring and potentially boring blogs in the history of blogdom. It was going to originally be called the adventures of hips magee but then i realised that i was lying to myself; i don't have adventures. If i was having adventures i wouldn't need this blog.

I am hoping to just blurt out my thoughts and my feelings so it will probably be nonsensical and whiny. Please note that i have extremely good grammer and spelling skills as well as the ability to properly format a sentence. However those skills may be absent here sometimes as its all about the words.

So just who is this mysterious Hips Magee and what the hell is a Lord Stinkypants i hear you ask? Well i guess i should do the introductions although i am not going to go into too much detail in case people i used to go to school with come across this blog. Okay...... man i hate writing about myself, it reminds me just how uninteresting i am. I am not on Facebook - i don't have any friends in the real world so i don't need a cyberspace reminder of my lack of friends (self inflicted i know). I am female and in my early thirties. I live in Australia within the state of NSW (for now). I have been dancing with depression for over 10 years and flirting with social anxiety for longer. I hate all of my clothes at the moment. I think Diane Kruger is a style god. I like spaghetti bolegnese but only when its freshly cooked, i hate frozen leftovers. I have an overwhelming thirst that can't be satiated. And i am messy - clean but extremely messy. I one day hope to see the carpet in my bedroom again but it is currently the place to hang my clothes.

Lord Stinkypants, what would you like to say about yourself. Nothing right now as he is devouring a chicken wing. Mmm there is nothing like the sound of the bones in a raw chicken wing being crushed to make you realise we are predators. So i guess his intro is up to me. Lets see. Overweight, lazy and needs a haircut. Spends the majority of his day sleeping, be it in the bean bag or on his chair. Likes car rides and growling at kids on their bikes. Dislikes taking tablets and the sound of the garage door opening.

So there are the players in this story of woe. Who knows where they will go or what the will do. Stay tuned.


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