Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ooh I am ever so naughty. I haven't written anything is about 5 days. Musn't keep the masses waiting any longer; I am sure they need an update about the life of Hips Magee and her sidekick Lord Stinkypants.
I finished my temp job at the engineering place. It was so lovely on Tuesday morning to wake up and not have to go sit somewhere for 7 and a half hours and feign enthusiasm and interest. I wish i could make that a career itself; perhaps teaching others how to act enthusiased and together and confident to help them in their pursuits. It is something that I excel in. I am the perfect little administrator/secretary/receptionist: I will follow yours orders with a smile on my face, do the menial tasks you designate me with the grace of an angel, all the time despising the fact that I have to do what others tell me to.
Enough of that. Yesterday i went for another temp interview with a planning firm. It was a temp job up until christmas and then they were going to review whether it may become a permanent role. It was an administrator role, least it wasn't reception, more like pushing papers around on a desk or creating files on the computer. I think I did okay in the interview, again I came across as enthusiastic and interested all the time mentally trying to count the exact number of days i would have to turn up to the place. I think it was like 60 days. 60 days of getting up early, driving in the horrible work traffic, having to park in a parking station and foot the bill and for what - a boring role in a boring office. God why does all admin have to be in boring jobs. Isn't there any exciting or interesting fields out there that require administration that goes beyond the realm of just typing letters and filing and binding.
The recruitment lady told me to be quietly confident as i was the front runner of the candidates - however there were only two candidates interviewed. I was more like quietly dying at the prospect of returning to the employed world. Turns out i don't have to worry because ONCE AGAIN I have been pipped at the post for a role that went to someone that worked for the company. It was OneSteel all over again. 'Cept this time the worker wasn't even on the scene until this morning when one office was talking to the sydney head office and mentioned it and lo and behold they had the perfect candidate that was interested. Is going to move up from Sydney for it. Well good on her.
I should be happy right? No time to think now as I can hear Lord Stinkypants quietly snoring in the bean bag and its kind of making me tired. Will probably think about it lying in bed but hopefully will drift off. Maybe i will have some more madcap dreams like last nights time travel scenario and gangster apartment block.


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