Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nothing Much Interesting Happened Today

Unusual isn't it.

It was warm today, in fact it was a little too warm although i prefer that to rainy days. I forced myself to go out today, i have really bad blisters on both feet so i think its time to get some new sneakers. Pauls Warehouse had a 2 for 1 sale in town so we went in there - they are in this old market store warehouse, the escalators don't work, there is no air circulation and PW is on the third floor. There were a million people around and only 3 sales staff in the footwear department; the had shoes labelled for running and cross training and casual but i could not find anything for walking and with 2 whole walls of shoes that almost look identical i didn't have a chance.
After what seemed like an eternity although was probably only 20 mins I jumped a salesman that became free. Why oh why did it have to be a male salesmen when i was wearing a dress that looked ridiculous when trying on sneakers and i had been too lazy to shave my legs. After finding out that they didn't have 3 different shows in my size it was narrowed down to two. The one that looked nice (hey i am shallow okay) was too snug across the foot which is coincidentally where my blisters are. The other pair are Asics and they are a muted grey colour. I didn't really like the look of them (perhaps i am just used to the white funky looking ones with the trim and the stripes etc) but i have to admit they fit better and i could feel my heels were cushioned well. And they were discounted $70 bucks. Sold.
So now i have new shoes and hopefully less blisters. So i can continue walking which allows me to daydream about things other than my real life. I am so happy there.


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