My Computer Is Getting Fat From All The Cookies It Seems To Be Eating.
So after yesterdays long winded and rather jam packed edition today I find myself without an existentialist crisis or fear of wasting my life. Is this the result of these new tablets that are supposed to settle my restless mind? I seem to be only tracking one thought at a time of late and even they are not that interesting. At the moment my thoughts are turning to how Blogger is giving me the shits. The text won't format correctly and each time i try to highlight all of it to change the font it wipes it completely and of course i can't undo. I usually don't have a problem with it; not that it matters though as i believe the template i am using reformats the text to suit its need. It annoys me that i can't leave a space between paragraphs.
I got a surprising call from the recruitment agency about 3pm this afternoon. Shocked the hell out of me as i never expected to hear from them again like the rest of the recruitment agencies. They just put me in a one week temp role as a receptionist at an engineering firm about half an hour away in an industrial estate. No interview, no rigmarole just turn up at 8:30am next tuesday. A weeks worth of $20 per hour work is more than welcome at this stage and even i can tolerate answering phones and photocopying for 5 days.
I went for a walk this morning and a walk this afternoon. I tried out my new shorts this arvo, the inside leg of the right one seems to want to ride up and i know that way too much of my pale cellulite is on display to the passers (or more specifically drivers) by. But it is warming up and if i want to get a little bit of colour on my legs they will have to see sun eventually. I am not even the nice creamy pale a la cate blanchett or the veritable english rose. I am translucent, almost see through. Mmm splotches.
I am getting sick of seeing Anne Hathaway's big mouth smiling everywhere. She is always on some red carpet wearing some nice outfit. No one ever mentions that Rachel Zoe picks her clothes. Fashion mags and gossip blogs all laud over her fashion choices saying how much more mature she is looking, how stylish and more together. Also note the dropping of the excess weight. Par for the course these days really. I have been walking for an hour almost every day for about a month but i don't see any difference. I know that i should be running to get a greater aerobic capacity and burn calories quicker but my knees hurt from walking so i am not even going to attempt running. I know (cause i can feel) that i have tight and toned muscles; they are just covered by 10kgs of lumpy pale cellulite. I need one of those Ped Egg contraptions but for the thighs so that i can slough of the excess blubber to reveal my toned legs.
Until next time....
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