I Am Much Better At Self Pity In Someone Else's Kitchen
God i am so annoyed, i just wrote a whole paragraph about how tired and cold i am feeling today but when i highlighted it all to justify the text it disappeared and no amount of pressing the undo will make it come back. I dont have the energy to rewrite it again so in summary: i am feeling tired today (even after my long walk) and chilly. Unusual. Maybe its the overcast weather, there is no light and no warmth from the sun.
I am currently waiting to hear back from the recruitment agency regarding the temp job i interviewed for. I made the shortlist now i have to wait to see if the company wants to interview me. I hate this part: the waiting - being at the mercy of people I don't know and who dont know me yet are going to judge me on four pieces of paper that consitutes my working life. And i won't get started on those four pieces of paper. My life = 4 pieces of A4, everything i have done in my thirty odd years of existence. I just have to stop and be bummed out for a bit.
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